Police gangster games
Police gangster games

When it comes to war, set up several patrols in your territory and make sure your Office is well guarded. Not only do warring gangsters shoot each other on sight, but leaders will also send attacks against each other, such as hits, raids, bombing, arson, and so forth. Gang warfare is the highest level of aggression. You need lots of Hoods with good weapons in order to survive this. However, gang leaders will not plan actions against each other. Hoods from rival gangs will shoot at each other on sight. If a Hood is killed in someone else's area, there are often no repercussions because they should not have been there in the first place. Your Hoods will usually try to avoid entering enemy territory. During a cease-fire, Hoods will leave each other alone unless they enter a rival territory.

police gangster games

You can still give orders to kill, but you don't have to worry about your Hoods getting into unwanted fights.Ĭease-fire is the level that gangs start out at in normal games. If you don't want your gangsters shooting at others, then set your aggression level to peace, even if the other gangs are at a higher level of aggression. The only problem is somewhere in the future, you must defeat the other gang in order to win the game. In fact, Hoods react to one another without violence and can cross territories without incident. Peace is a much more stable relationships than an alliance. If two gangs are allied and the other two gangs are defeated, the game ends in a joint victory. Hoods of allied gangs can freely traverse the other's territory. If either gang tries to extort businesses in the other gang's area, the alliance is off. However, this can be a very delicate relationship. When gangs are in an alliance, they have agreed to divide the city between them. Let's take a look at each of the five levels of aggression. While you are at peace with one, you could be at war with another. You can also have different relations with each gang. And you can set them individually for each rival gang. These levels affect how your Hoods react with Hoods from other gangs. There are five levels of aggression that can exist between gangs. However, unlike the bribes offered by Hoods, the Lawyer will bribe officials. Even if they don't support you directly, at least they won't report negatively on you. However, if you offer reporters some additional spending money, they may change their tune. Both newspapers and radio often are against organized crime. The press is another good target for bribes. And they will be more loyal to you and will let you know when rival gangsters are in your territory. This will help keep people in the racket. This becomes even more essential during an election campaign for mayor If you successfully bribe a clergyman, he will sing your praises from the pulpit each Sunday. It is important to stay in favor with the citizens of your territory. Otherwise, the people may not take the money.

police gangster games

To make this effective, you should assign this task to a Hood with a high Intelligence. Hoods can bribe regular citizens, business owners, clergy, and the press. There are two different types of bribery: giving money to citizens and bribing officials. Soup kitchens are also an expense that will lower your net profits as well as the taxes you must pay.įorce and intimidation are not the only way to express your power. By feeding the hungry, Al Capone became one of the most popular people in the city because of his humanitarian actions. The Depression forced many people out onto the streets without work. Al Capone ran several soup kitchens throughout Chicago.

Police gangster games plus#

This is a big plus if you are planning on running for mayor in the future. If a soup kitchen is not already in a neighborhood, buy up cheap businesses and set up soup kitchens in their place. Since you are not making anything, have a Hood with poor skill levels run it for you. A soup kitchen only costs a few hundred dollars a week to run. While it is not necessarily a donation, buying or setting up a soup kitchen can do wonders for your influence with the citizens of the city.

Police gangster games